Bruno Blanpain and Gunther Valkenborg gave on 20 January 2022 a full day training course on the subjects of company car taxation and mobility issues. Their presentations primarily focused on the benefit in kind of the private use of company cars that are granted to employees and directors as well as alternative durable mobility solutions that can be offered by an employer in order to replace or supplement the company automobile. The employment law, tax and social security peculiarities were not only outlined in detail but also illustrated through numerous examples current and future predicaments.
One thing is certain: the tax and social security cost of the company car will rise considerably in the coming years and will as a subject matter become even more complex as a consequence of a multitude of transitional arrangements. Eventually plug-in hybrid cars as well as full electric cars will after the modal shift from fossil fuels has been achieved also become more expensive.
A delegate commented the training session as follows: “An accountant shows you the figures from the past. Gunther Valkenborg shows you the figures of the future”.